I have been taking part for some years now in the preparation course for the state exams organised by ASTIM (Associazione Studenti Ticinesi di Medicina). I have always lived these moments with great enthusiasm because they gave me the opportunity to share with you, now young doctors, moments of exchange not only of scientific knowledge but also of life experiences. Your contact has been and will always be an opportunity for personal enrichment.
In this particular year in which we all had to deal with the COVID19 pandemic, and even though the online mode limits the development of interpersonal relationships, I am nevertheless pleased that we were able to keep our training appointment. I am sorry that I was not able to meet those who faced the state exam this year in person and I hope that we will have the opportunity to do so in the future.
Your first steps in the world of medicine were certainly very different from mine because they probably lacked the serenity offered by the progressive integration that I and most of my colleagues of my generation were fortunate enough to experience. I can understand that it is not easy to be confronted immediately and directly with a human tragedy and with problems outside of the normal rules which have been taught, and I imagine that you are also experiencing moments of doubt and discouragement.
In spite of that, I believe that by responding with a great sense of responsibility and abnegation to an urgent and unexpected need of the public we are showing how much our profession plays a fundamental role in our society. This with and also thanks to you, to the vocation that has impelled you to learn and practice the wonderful profession of doctor, to humility, courage and to the set of your human values, which have lately been under great pressure.
I would therefore like to express all my support and availability in case of need, but also encourage you to consider this test as an opportunity for growth: for you personally and for our profession in general.
This moment is an opportunity to grow relations between you, to strengthen collegiality and to stop and learn from the many lessons of this health crisis and the meaning of this harsh trial.
The world is changing and there is no shortage of challenges but I am sure, with what I have seen and known of you, that you have the human qualities necessary to face them.
I am with you,
With esteem,
Dr.ssa Claudia Ferrier-Guerra
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